Episode 9 Bonus Game 1
Doug: And welcome back to Hot Dice. A fine win by Joseph Bohan -- who is here playing for CY$50,000. Before you can roll for the 50-grand, there's a matter of a free roll. This time, we seed the pot by CY$250 times the value of your roll. Go ahead and roll them, please.
Doug: And you start with a 6 -- times 250 seeds the pot with CY$1500.
From this moment forward, the stakes increase -- and the danger increases as well.
Doug: If you roll a 5, 7 or 9, you'll bust. Avoiding those totals now adds CY$500 per point to the pot.
Doug: Double decision board is now active. Three of those screens hide busts. The other three hide amounts worth at least CY$20,000 each; one guaranteed to hide CY$50,000.
Doug: For winning the game, we give you one gold coin to cover one bust. If you roll a 5, 7 or 9 or uncover a bust on the double decision board, you must surrender the coin and roll again.
Remember, you can only stop after cyber-money is successfully added to the pot. So -- wanna stop and keep CY$1500 or risk and roll again?
Joseph: I'm rolling, Doug. Come on, doubles!
Doug: Woah! Ask and ye shall receive -- but this is a tricky double decision. And here's the decision.
You could have us add CY$6000 to the pot...
Doug: ...or you can go to the double 6 screen on the board. If there's cyber-money in that screen, we'll add that much to the pot. If there's a bust, I take away your coin and you *have* to roll again -- would that the next roll doesn't lead to a bust.
Tough decision -- what do you do?
(audience shouts suggestions)
Joseph: It's a tough choice, Doug, but I'm taking the board.
(scattered cheers)
Doug: Wow -- giving back CY$6000. Oh I hope it's worth it. Does the double 6 space hide at least CY$20,000?
Doug: No. Now -- normally, you lose everything in the pot and the game's over. However, you have a gold coin. Let me take that from you. Before you roll again, we shuffle the board.
Doug: Now, you've surrendered the coin. You *must* roll again. The pot's now vulnerable to a bust.
(a few groans; a few claps)
Doug: Yeah, mixed emotions on that one. Low roll -- but not a bust. You've doubled the pot to CY$3000. Wanna bank the three large or risk it all and roll again?
(audience shouts suggestions)
Joseph: Roll again.
Doug: Rats. That's a 7, that's a bust and that ends the Bonus Bonanza. Nothing here -- but you still have your earlier winnings of CY$5900.
Doug: And you'll have a chance to play against Nikolai. Now you'll each have a loss against you. That means "lose loss" will be somewhere on the double decision board. That means the mark against you goes away if you roll a double and go for it.
That's later -- but -- could I interest someone here in a new car? (audience cheers) Thought so. We'll see how lucky one of them's feeling -- when Hot Dice returns.